13 publications that are related to Construction industry , sorted by release date
Construction output in Great Britain: July 2024 (Latest release)
Short-term measures of output by the construction industry in July 2024.Allweddeiriau: housing, non-housing, infrastructure, new work, repair and maintenance
Construction statistics, Great Britain: 2022 (Latest release)
Statistics on the construction industry, including value of output, new orders by sector, number of firms and total employment, insolvencies, and construction output price indices.Allweddeiriau: housing, non-housing, infrastructure, new work, repair and maintenance
Subnational statistics and analysis, current and upcoming work: May 2022 (Latest release)
A summary of the ONS’ current and future work related to subnational statistics and analysis.Allweddeiriau: local authorities, regions, labour market, population, census, CurrentAndUpcomingWork
Construction development: improvements to regional and sub-sector level estimates, UK: July 2021 (Latest release)
Latest improvements to input data used to model sub-national and sub-sector level construction output estimates, including the impact of the changes.Allweddeiriau: methodology, revisions, new orders
Construction Output Price Indices (OPIs), UK: January to March 2020 (Latest release)
A summary of the Construction output Price indices (OPI's) in the UK for Quarter 1 (January to March) 2020.Allweddeiriau: OPI, infastructure, housing, new work, repair and maintenence
Housing in construction output statistics, Great Britain: 2010 to 2019 (Latest release)
Housing sector overview using our construction output estimates, including the differences in public and private sector housing and the size and geographical location of firms in the industry.Allweddeiriau: public housing, private housing, housing output, regional output, firm size
Construction statistics development: improving the understanding of new orders in the construction industry and the gap between output and new orders (Latest release)
Explanation and analysis as to the possible causes to explain the differences in Office for National Statistics construction output and new orders data.Allweddeiriau: Barbour ABI, projects, methodology
Impact of improvements to construction statistics: June 2018 (Latest release)
A description of the impact of improvements that have been incorporated into construction output, as part of Blue Book 2018.Allweddeiriau: revisions, bias, improving early estimates
Construction development: improvements to regional and sub-sector level estimates, June 2018 (Latest release)
Improvements to the model used to estimate regional and sub-sector level construction output data, including the impact of the changes.Allweddeiriau: methodology, revisions, new orders
Improvements to construction statistics: Addressing the bias in early estimates of construction output , June 2018 (Latest release)
An analysis of revisions to monthly construction output estimates and detail on the improvements that will be implemented to address the bias in the early survey estimates.Allweddeiriau: methodology, economy, short-term output indicators, blue book