27 Datasets that are related to Activity, size and location , sorted by release date
Business demography, quarterly, UK, low-level geographic breakdown, UK
Business creations and closures from the Inter-Departmental Business Register, a low-level geographic breakdown for the UK, quarterly data. These are official statistics in developmentAllweddeiriau: business births, business deaths, UK countries, English regions, local authorities
Business demography, quarterly, UK
Business births and deaths from the Inter-Departmental Business Register with high-level breakdowns by industry and region. Quarterly official statistics in development.Allweddeiriau: closures, births, creation, removal, deaths
Business demography, UK
Annual data on births, deaths and survival of businesses in the UK, by geographical area and Standard Industrial Classification 2007: SIC 2007 groups.Allweddeiriau: births, deaths, active, survival, counts
UK business: activity, size and location
Numbers of enterprises and local units produced from a snapshot of the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR) taken on 10 March 2023.Allweddeiriau: IDBR, Inter-Departmental Business Register, enterprises, local units, business counts
Night-time workers, UK
National and regional breakdowns of night-time workers by industry groupings, gender, working patterns, age groups, time of day usually worked, place of birth (UK or outside the UK), and whether or not they work from home. -
Employees working in night-time industries, UK
Breakdown of employees working in night-time industries by industry grouping and local authority district. -
Energy intensity: Annual Business Survey 2019 and Annual Purchases Survey 2018
Data tables to accompany the article Business energy spending: experimental measures from the Office for National Statistics’ business surveys. Includes data on energy intensity by industry, energy type, firm size and distribution across businesses, and compared with recent business survey results.Allweddeiriau: electricity, gas, fuel, ABS, APS
Business Forms, Management Practices and Enterprise Lifecycles: A Dissection of the UK Business Population, 1999 to 2020
Proportion of businesses, turnover and employment by different legal form, industry and location over time. Uses a sample of businesses from the experimental Longitudinal Business Database. -
Industries and firms where turnover was resilient during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, firm level regression tables
Regression outputs tables for firm level regressions, industry turnover during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.Allweddeiriau: Turnover, output, regression
Public houses and bars: responding businesses' cash reserves and confidence
Public house and bar businesses’ cash reserves and confidence in surviving the next three months, November 2020 for the UK. Unweighted data from the Business Impact of Coronavirus Survey (BICS) Wave 18. Responses are unweighted and are representative only of the businesses that responded in the sample, not of the wider business population. Unweighted tables should be treated with caution when used to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 across the UK economy.Allweddeiriau: pubs, pandemic, COVID-19, COVID19, COVID 19, corona virus, hospitality industry