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  • A guide to the UK National Accounts: March 2020

    An update to the 2015 publication of "A Short Guide to the UK National Accounts". The purpose of this guide is to give the reader an introduction to the concepts and underlying principles of national accounting and additionally to describe the various publications available.

  • Income estimates for small areas in England and Wales, technical report: financial year ending 2018

    Methods used to produce small area income estimates for local areas in England and Wales, known as Middle layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs), including information on the quality of the models and estimates.

  • Child abuse QMI

    Quality and Methodology Information for child abuse detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used and data uses and users.

  • Woodland natural capital accounts methodology guide, UK: 2020

    How the natural capital ecosystem service accounts are measured for the woodland habitat.

  • Long-Term International Migration estimates methodology

    In-depth look at methodology of both Long-Term International Migration (LTIM) and the International Passenger Survey (IPS), including preliminary adjustments, assumptions made for variables, and changes over time.

  • Long-Term International Migration estimates and their reliability and accuracy

    Understanding the reliability and accuracy of Long-Term International Migration estimates, including sampling distribution, sampling error, statistical significance and confidence intervals.

  • Labour Market Survey: characteristics report

    The characteristic profile of the responding sample to the Labour Market Survey, providing the first available evidence on the socio-demographic composition for the transformed, mixed-mode survey.

  • Labour Market Survey: comparative estimates report

    This report provides a comparison of core labour market outputs from the Labour Market Survey Statistical Test and the Labour Force Survey over the same period (November 2018 to January 2019). It highlights methodological differences and similarities and provides some commentary on the comparability of such figures, as well as recommendations for future research.

  • Labour Market Survey: technical report

    Technical design of the Labour Market Survey Statistical Test, comparing the Labour Market Survey prototype and the Labour Force Survey. Includes response rates and paradata collected throughout the Statistical Test.

  • Labour Market Survey: research and results overview

    Summary of findings from each Labour Markey Survey Statistical Test report as well as an overview of the purpose of the test, information on the survey design, and the work that will follow on from the results.