The User Engagement Strategy for Statistics promotes a theme-based approach to user engagement. To support the strategy's aims, we have set up 12 core engagement themes. This allows all users of government data and statistics to interact with the Government Statistical Service (GSS) by their area of interest and collaborate with producers of official statistics to:

  • develop work programmes

  • identify and address data gaps

  • discuss how to best present and share GSS data and statistics

  • help improve and shape GSS statistical products and services

Each theme is led by a senior civil servant who is an expert in their subject. Theme leaders will:

  • chair user forums and events

  • bring together producers and users of statistics relating to their theme

  • help build a diverse user community for their theme and a tailored calendar of engagement activity

There are also themes that are "cross-cutting", such as sub-national statistics. We will arrange appropriate user forums or events to identify and discuss these as they emerge and will publicise across all themes. Each cross-cutting theme will also be led by a relevant expert.

Please contact us at to:

  • register your interest in particular themes

  • provide feedback on improving and shaping statistical products and services, including this web page

The 12 core engagement themes are:

Prices and inflation – led by Mike Hardie, Office for National Statistics

Understanding how prices change and how this affects households, businesses and the cost of living.

National accounts – led by Craig McLaren, Office for National Statistics

Measuring and describing how the UK economy is changing at a national and regional level. This includes estimating the income, output and expenditure of the economy to inform policy and decision making. Main measures include gross domestic product (GDP) and the increasing use of real-time indicators.

Public sector finances – led by Jessica Barnaby, Office for National Statistics

Understanding the UK government's fiscal position, including estimates of public sector income, expenditure, borrowing and debt. Also includes the implied fiscal positions of UK countries, regions and local authorities.

Global trade and investment – led by Chloe Gibbs, Office for National Statistics

Understanding our place in the world using data and statistics about UK businesses, trade and investment.

Labour market – led by David Freeman, Office for National Statistics

Understanding our working lives using data and statistics about people’s jobs, employment, earnings and working patterns.

Security, crime and justice – led by John Marais, Office for National Statistics

Data and statistics about crime, policing, family, civil and criminal justice systems, and national security.

Welfare, well-being and housing – led by Katie Dodd, Department for Work and Pensions

Data and statistics about the welfare and pension system, that support our understanding of how people feel and function on a personal and social level. This includes measures of:

  • employment and in-work progression

  • poverty and financial resilience

  • deprivation

  • housing

  • homelessness

  • planning performance

  • land use

Children and education – led by Delphine Robineau, Department for Education and Jason Bradbury, Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills

Data and statistics about all stages of education, from early years, to university and beyond.

Transport – led by Gemma Brand, Department for Transport

Data and statistics about transport, transport users and transport infrastructure.

Environment, climate and nature – led by Ian Townsend, Office for National Statistics

Exploring data and statistics on the environment, nature and climate change, including net zero and how we are adapting to the changing climate.

Health and social care – led by Julie Stanborough, Office for National Statistics, and members of the English Health Statistics Steering Group

Measuring the health of the UK population.

Population, migration and census – led by Rich Pereira, Office for National Statistics

Data and statistics about the size and geographic spread of the population and the factors driving population change.

If you are interested in sharing your views online, as a user or as a producer of statistics, you can do so through our discussion forum StatsUserNet. Registration is free and the forum allows anybody with an interest in statistics and data to share comments and ideas with statistical colleagues or other forum members.

You can also sign up to receive our regular newsletters or share your ideas through our open consultations. We also hold regular economic statistics events, including monthly economic forums and the annual Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) conference, which you are invited to attend.