Our stakeholder forums provide a space for strategic engagement with partner organisations across a range of topics.

Through open dialogue, they provide a forum for members to share insight and constructive feedback on behalf of the sectors they represent. They also provide an opportunity to exchange news, work collaboratively and ensure vital societal themes are fully explored.

Themes and topics include:

  • public understanding and trust in data

  • improving inclusivity in the collection, analysis and reporting of data

  • emerging data and analysis priorities

  • the future of statistics

There are also several National Statistician's advisory committees and panels run by the UK Statistics Authority.

These have been created on specific topics to help provide advice and insight.

ONS Assembly

Chaired by the ONS Director of Communications and Digital Publishing, the ONS Assembly brings together strategic representatives and umbrella bodies from the charity, civil society sectors in a quarterly discussion forum to provide insight, support and critical feedback on ONS plans and approaches.

Topics covered recently include public trust in data and population statistics transformation. To contact us about the ONS Assembly, email: outreach.engagement.community@ons.gov.uk