You asked

Please provide the figure for the number of people on zero-hours contracts in North West England.

I would also like the figure for how many of those people receive income support.

We said

Estimates of the number of people in employment on zero-hours contracts by region are available from the Labour Force Survey (LFS), which is a survey of people resident in households. The LFS asks people in employment if their job has any flexible working arrangements and, if so, to choose from a list of employment patterns as to which best describes their situation. Zero-hours contract is one of the options listed and is described as 'where a person is not contracted to work a set number of hours, and is only paid for the number of hours that they actually work'.

Estimates relating to North West England can be found in Table 4 in the link below:

Estimates of those in employment on zero-hours contracts who are on income support are not available.