You asked

Regarding the below weekly Registered England and Wales Deaths report, is it possible to provide further categories of Underlying Cause of death?

Presently, only Respiratory Disease Deaths and COVID-19 are captured. Would it be possible to provide the Top 10 or so causes of deaths, similar the reporting shown in this report:

Deaths in private homes, England - 19th October 2020

This would help assess to what extent any excess mortality seen through the Autumn/Winter is driven up by COVID-19, or in actual fact by other causes increasing beyond their respective 5 year averages.

Ideally, these Top 10 causes metrics would be incorporated into the weekly report, alongside their respective 5 year averages.

We said

Thank you for your request.

Provisional monthly death registration and occurrence data for England and Wales, broken down by sex, age, country and underlying cause are now available in the following monthly publication: Monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales. This publication contains data from July onwards and includes deaths due to COVID-19 and leading causes of death. Leading causes is also available on table 11 of the accompanying dataset, Monthly mortality analysis: Dataset. This also includes figures for the five-year average.

This information is provided in our monthly mortality analysis report instead of our deaths registered weekly in England and Wales report as our weekly report is published 11 days after the end of the week in question and therefore it is not feasible to include cause of death information.

If you would like to discuss these statistics further, please contact