FOI ref: FOI-2023-1228

You asked

Please provide data on views of employment of young people (16-24) during and after Coronavirus (COVID-19). I am looking in terms of anxiety of working and any specific points of worries.

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Our UK Measures of National Well-being publication and accompanying dataset provide information on the UK progress across ten domains of national well-being. In particular, this provides levels of anxiety by age, which will hopefully be helpful for you.

Our Opinions and Lifestyle survey (OPN) have produced statistics on the percentage of adults who said their work was being affected, in response to the following question:

"In which ways the coronavirus outbreak was affecting your life".

Unfortunately, we have not analysed this data by anxiety specifically in our releases, but we did by depression, which can be found via the following link: Coronavirus and Depression 2021.

We have previously published levels of worry by employment status, which was last updated in July 2013, which may be of interest: GOV.UK: Wellbeing and employment.

If you have any queries about the data provided, please contact