FOI Ref: FOI/2021/2717

You asked

Please supply the number of under 50-year-olds in England and Wales who have died from COVID-19 only (that is to say, those who have died from COVID-19 only and with no other underlying health conditions) from 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2021. If necessary, subdivide this figure into years 2020 and 2021 separately.

Please include the same for 50 to 64 years and 65 years and above or from 50 years and above.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

Numbers and percentages of deaths where COVID-19 was recorded as the sole condition on the death certificate and COVID-19 deaths by main pre-existing condition, for England and Wales, are available in our Provisional Monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales publication. The dataset can be found here. This publication contains data up to June 2021. It will be updated to include figures for July on 23 August 2021. Earlier versions of this publication, covering March to June 2020, are available here.

We have also published a dataset covering the whole of 2020, based on finalised death registration data, this is available here.

We only currently publish this information for the age groups 0-64 and 65 and over. We are required to protect confidentiality in tables death statistics and are unable to publish a further breakdown by age because of the potential disclosure risk, particularly in the younger age groups. Section 39 of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (SRSA) renders it an offence to disclose information held by the Statistics Board for statistical purposes that would identify an individual or a body corporate. As we are prohibited by law from publishing statistics in which individual businesses or persons can be identified, we find that Section 44 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) applies. Section 44 is an absolute exemption and no consideration of the public interest test needs to be applied. More information can be found in our disclosure control policy.

If you have any further enquiries about this information, please contact