FOI ref: FOI-2024-2070

You asked

Please supply the following information for your department, (do not including any data on agencies or public bodies that report to you) for the period of 2023:

  1. Year of Creation/Launch/Establishment?

  2. Your Annual Budget?

  3. Other Revenue received but not from government?

  4. Fiscal Powers: Yes/No

  5. Regulatory Powers: Yes/No

  6. Do you sponsor other Public Bodies: Yes/No, if yes who?

  7. Number of permanent staff?

  8. Number of temporary staff (including part timers)?

  9. Number of contractors employed?

We said

Thank you for your request.

We refer to the latest publication of the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) Annual Report and Accounts (2022/23) for the requested information: UK-Statistics-Authority-Annual-Report-and-Accounts-2022-23.pdf ( 

The next Annual Report and Accounts (2023/24) is due to be published on the UKSA website by the end of July 2024. 

  1. Information on the UKSA's date of establishment and associated functions is detailed on pages 10 and 12.

  2. The UKSA's annual budget for 2022/23 is recorded in the Statement of Outturn Against Parliamentary Supply tables on pages 103 to 106 under the columns titled "Estimate". 

  3. Note 5 to the accounts on page 140 records the revenue generated outside of funding supplied by Parliament during 2022/23. 

  4. The UKSA manages its expenditure in line with government processes, rules, and guidance. These are set out in published HM Treasury led fiscal events and wider guidance documentation including Managing Public Money Policy and Cabinet Office Spend Controls.  

  5. Please see answer to question 1. 

  6. Please see answer to question 1. 

  7. Staff numbers as of 31st March 2023 on page 92 discloses permanently employed staff.  

  8. The staff numbers table (page 92) and contingent workers table (page 93) discloses employees on fixed term contracts and agency staff.

  9. The contingent workers table on page 93 lists the number of contractors employed as of 31 March 2023.