FOI Ref: FOI/2023/4879

You asked

  • How much do you spend on written translations and transcription?

  • Are you currently under contract?

  • If you are currently under contract with what supplier and when is the expiry date?

  • When do you intend to issue the next tender for these respective requirements?

  • How will you tender? Will it be via framework and if so which one?

  • Who is the responsible person overseeing the contract for i. translation services and ii. Transcription services?

We said

Thank you for your request.

  • How much do you spend on written translations and transcription?

We have a contract for Transcription and non-Welsh translation, the maximum contract value is £60,000 per annum. We have a contract for Welsh translation which has a maximum contract value of £50,000 for a contract duration of 3 years.

  • Are you currently under contract?


  • If you are currently under contract with what supplier and when is the expiry date?

Our contract for Transcription and non-Welsh translation is with Language Empire and expires 16 January 2024. Our contract for Welsh translation is with Prysg Cyf and expires 1 March 2025.

  • When do you intend to issue the next tender for these respective requirements?

This has not yet been decided.

  • How will you tender? Will it be via framework and if so which one?

This has not yet been decided.

  • Who is the responsible person overseeing the contract for i. translation services and ii. Transcription services?

ONS has a dedicated Commercial Services team, which is responsible for Procurement, Contract Management and Commercial Intelligence. If you are interested in becoming an ONS supplier, or bidding for an ongoing Procurement, please register your details at our portal.  Alternatively please email us at