You asked

How many immigrants and refugees are in the UK, including Scotland and Wales? Please could this figure be broken down into country of origin.

How many immigrants and refugees are estimated to be unaccounted for, or missing in the UK?

How many immigrants and refugees are in work?

How many refuges and immigrants are expected in 2019?

We said

Please note this response was updated on 2 January 2019

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request about how many immigrants and refugees are in the UK.

We publish information about long-term international immigration by citizenship and country of birth. In Table 4.01, Citizenship group by sex and age by country of last residence you will find estimates of the number of people who have migrated into the UK. Table 4.02, Main reason for migration by citizenship gives estimates by country of the main reason for migration. The latest figures are for 2017 and estimates are available back to 2000.

We do not collect or publish any data about the number of refugees in the UK, although the number of refugees is included in our migration statistics. If you would like more information on this group of migrants please contact the Home Office at

We also publish Labour Market statistics including estimates of people in employment by country of birth and nationality. If you require a more detailed country breakdown our Social Surveys Division will be able to help. We provide a bespoke service for LFS analysis. Special extracts and tabulations of data are available to order (subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreements of costs, where appropriate). Such enquiries should be made to the customer services team of ONS's Social Surveys Division ( As this information is already available to you via this route, we considers that s.21(1) applies to this request and the information does not have to be supplied under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. S.21(1) is an absolute exemption and no consideration of the public interest test needs to be applied.

Our Population Projections provide an indication of the future size and age structure of the UK and its constituent countries based on a set of assumptions of future fertility, mortality and migration.

We do not currently produce any information or statistics on the number of unaccounted for or missing migrants. We are currently working with the Home Office to explore whether we would be able to produce a high-level estimate of illegal migration, but this work is still in the early stages and we do not yet know if it will be possible.

When accessing any of our files please read the 'notes, terms and conditions' contained within them.

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly on if you require anything further.