FOI Ref: ​FOI/2023/4951

You asked

Supporting data for Deaths by Vaccination Status - release 21 February 2023.

First, thanks for this publication. I find that more information on the supporting data would add some colour to the results. Accordingly, and within the FOIA guidance, please provide the best data available for the following:

A) The "brands" of vaccine relevant to the data.

For example, "80% of the inoculations were Astrazeneca the remainder were Pfizer". Hence if the mix changed at any time during the study period, some indication of the timing and extent of the changes.

B) Relevant population data including :

Total population

Population aged 17 and under

Population aged 18 and over broken down by age sector I note that the population changed during the study period, and would prefer a single set of data, if available, at August 2021.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry

Deaths by vaccination status and brand

We do not hold analysis of Deaths by vaccination status by brand for England. However, we may be able to create this as a bespoke request. Special extracts and tabulations of mortality data are available to order from the Health Analysis and Pandemic Insight (HAPI) customer service team. These extracts fall outside of the Freedom of Information Act and are subject to disclosure control, legal frameworks, resources, and agreement to costs under the ONS Charging Policy.

If you would like to obtain a quote for this work please contact

Populations used in this analysis.

The populations used in this sample are, as of August 2021 in Deaths by vaccination status, England