You asked

Could you please provide me the number of suicides carried out in the UK in the months of May, June and July in both 2015 and 2016?

We said

Thank you for your freedom of information request asking for the number of deaths registered in the UK with a cause of suicide, by month of occurrence.

Unfortunately we only hold data at this level for England and Wales which can be found in the following link;

England and Wales figures for 2016 will be available by October 2017. Due to our planned publication dates we are unable to make figures available prior to these dates, in accordance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Section 22 of the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act exempts information requested by an applicant if it is intended for future publication. The FoI Act recognises the desirability of information being freely available in its own right, but section 22 also acknowledges that public authorities must have freedom to be able to determine their own publication timetables. This allows them to deal with the necessary preparation, administration and context of publication.

In this situation we consider that the public interest is best served through the public having confidence that the information published by us is accurate and final.

Figures for suicides in Scotland can be found at;

Figures for suicides in Northern Ireland can be found at;