You asked

Please may I request suicide statistics for the year 2020 broken down by age group and month.

We said

Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, we do not hold analysis for suicides in 2020 disaggregated by age and month.

However, you may find the following information of interest:

The majority of suicides require an inquest, where a coroner investigates the death. The amount of time it takes to hold an inquest causes a lag between the date of death and the date of death registration, referred to as a registration delay. Registration delays for deaths caused by suicide tend to be 5 to 6 months on average.

We produce provisional suicide data for England on a quarterly basis. This publication provides deaths that have been registered from January to September of 2020. This is for deaths registered in 2020, and due to the registration delay described above, many of these deaths will have occurred in 2019. The data in this publication is broken down by age and region. This publication will be updated with suicides registered in the final quarter of 2020 at the end of April 2021.

Annual suicide statistics are available via the following link: Suicides in the UK. Our statistics are based on the date of registration. Therefore, our annual release is based on 2019 death registrations. Registrations for earlier years are also available in the "previous versions link".

The following publication may also be of interest: Suicides in England and Wales. This provides Suicide deaths by registration date from 2011 to 2019.

Our Suicides in the UK publication and our Suicides in England and Wales publication will be updated with 2020 data once the data are finalised in September 2021.