FOI REF: FOI/2023/4810

You asked

​I have previously accessed data from the NOMIS website detailing the socio-economic grouping that included detriment scores listed by full postcode. An additional dataset also accessed had the full postcode, number of occupied dwellings and resident population (total, males & females). Both datasets were based on the 2011 Census. I am seeking the same data but updated from the 2022 Census.

We said

Thank you for your freedom of information request.

After the 2011 Census, we produced Postcode Headcounts and Household Estimates which contained summary results of usual residents broken down by sex and an estimate of the number of households with one or more usual residents for unit postcodes in England and Wales.

Also available were detailed census tables for postcode areas, districts, and sectors but not unit (full) postcodes.

We plan to produce similar for the 2021 Census results, which will be published in the future.

However, in January we released the build a custom area profile which allows you to choose from 25 different topics from Census 2021 to create a Census 2021 data profile covering any area in England and Wales, including postcodes. Socio-economic group is one of the topics included. You can access this information via the following link

Instructions on how to build your profile are here

If you have any queries about the information provided, publication schedules, or assistance with using the custom profiles, please contact our Census Customer Services team via the following email address: