FOI REF: FOI/2023/5070

You asked

Please could I request information about: 

1. Sexual orientation by 19 ethnic groups 

2. Sexual Orientation by country of birth 

3. Detailed Sexual Orientation by age and sex

We said

​​Thank you for your queries. Please see the following answers to your questions. 

Q1. We will be exploring sexual orientation by 18 ethnic groups in a publication planned for release later this year.  

Therefore, Section 22A (b)(i) and (b)(iii) is engaged, whereby the information requested was obtained in the course of conducting an ongoing programme of research, which we have a view to publish, and release prior to our planned schedule would prejudice the research programme itself and the organisation conducting the research. 

This exemption is subject to a public interest test. We recognise the desirability of information being freely available and this is considered by ONS when publication schedules are set in accordance with the Code of Practice for Statistics. The need for timely data must be balanced against the practicalities of applying statistical skill and judgement to produce the high quality, assured data needed to inform decision-making, which requires time and space. If this balance is incorrectly applied, then we run the risk of decisions being based on inaccurate data, which is not in the public interest. This will have an impact on public trust in official statistics in a time when the accuracy of official statistics is more important to the public than ever before. 

Q2. The information regarding sexual orientation by country of birth is available via our commissioned tables bespoke services route. Special extracts and tabulations of sexual orientation by country of birth for England and Wales are available to order and are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreements of costs under the ONS charging policy

More information on this can be found on our commissioned tables page. If you would like to request bespoke analysis, please contact our Census Customer Services team via the following email

As the information requested is available via another route, even if only accessible on payment, Section 21(2)(a) applies. 

Q3. Detailed sexual orientation by age and sex data can be accessed via the following link, showing the data collected from 2021 Census: Sexual Orientation by age and sex England and Wales Census 2021.