You asked

​I would like to put in a request for statistics on The Sexual Offences Act 2003 section 4(4) 'Causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent' - with penetration.


The statistics needs to include female offenders and the victims need to be male.


The ages for both offender and victims needs to be included.


a) How many resulted in a custodial sentence.
b) How many got a caution.
c) How many got a community order.
d) The length of both community order and custodial sentence.

You asked

Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, we do not hold all the information you have requested.

There are two main sources of crime data; police recorded crime and the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).

Data on 'Causing sexual activity without consent' offences which are recorded by police are presented in Table A4 of the Crime in England and Wales: Appendix tables. This data is available from the year ending March 2005 to the year ending September 2020. However, this data is not presented by victim or perpetrator characteristics.

Different offence codes are recorded for this offence based on the sex of the victim and whether penetration was involved (see Home Office counting rules for recorded crime: sexual offences) however, we do not hold this information.

Police recorded crime data is collected and managed by the Home Office, who are also contactable via e-mail and may be able to help you further with your request. Their e-mail is