FOI reference: FOI-2024-2451

You asked

I am currently looking for information on Sepsis. I’ve seen data available on deaths from sepsis in the UK by country, age and gender. I would like to see the following data added to those: by ethnicity and by socio-economic groups.

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Our mortality statistics are derived from information collected on the death certificate. Ethnicity of the deceased has only been routinely collected on death certificates since 9 September 2024. As such, we do not hold analysis or outputs using this information currently, as we are still carrying out an analysis of the quality of this new ethnicity data.

We have previously linked Census data to our death registration data as another means to breakdown mortality by ethnicity, by using the ethnicity information provided on the Census. 

We have not produced previously any analysis on deaths involving sepsis by ethnicity or socio-economic group, but you are able to order bespoke tabulations via our User Requested Data Service. Information on sepsis deaths along with other special extracts and tabulations of mortality data for England and Wales are available to order. Please note these services are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreements of costs in line with our charging policy.    

Please contact for more information.