You asked

For the Office for National Statistics' directly employed staff, could you please supply me with:

  1. Mean and median earnings (full time equivalent for part time employees) for

    (a) male employees in each grade

    (b) female employees in each grade

    (c) all employees in each grade

  2. Salary minima and maxima for each grade.

We said

  1. In the associated downloads, you will find a spreadsheet containing the mean and median earnings for male employees, female employees, and all employees broken down by grade. Earnings have been taken to be FTE equivalent salary to ensure a fair comparison person to person. This table shows calculations from all employees who are indicated to be on payroll on our HR system as at end of 31 October 2019.

  2. Salary minima and maxima have been distributed through another FOI and can be found as an attachment here.