FOI Ref: FOI/2022/4608

You asked

​I would be grateful to be given the information on the number of suicides and attempted suicides that have occurred at Pokesdown for Boscombe train station between 2000-2022. If there are a specific record of information or other surveys conducted on Pokesdown I would be interested in these as well.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

Attempted suicide

Our suicide data is driven by information taken from the death certificate. Therefore, we do not hold data relating to attempted suicides. NHS Digital would be better placed to answer this enquiry. They can be contacted via email at

Suicide statistics

We publish an annual statistical bulletin on suicides in England and Wales, which is available on our website via the following link: Suicides in England and Wales 2021. We also publish a dataset at local authority level.

The mortality statistics compiled by ONS are based on the information provided at death registration and cover all deaths that occur in England and Wales. Suspected suicides are required to be reported to the local coroner for investigation and all suicides will be certified by a coroner following an inquest. Once the inquest has concluded the death can be registered and will be reported to ONS.

Place of death is recorded as part of the registration process, however, unfortunately, breaking down suicides by individual stations would constitute personal information, owing to the small number involved. Section 39 of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (SRSA) renders it a criminal offence for the Statistics Board (ONS) to release personal information collected for statistical purposes. Personal information is any information held by ONS that would identify a body corporate or an individual, including those who are deceased. As disclosure is prohibited by another enactment, this information is exempt from release under Section 44(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

More information can be found in our policy on protecting confidentiality in death statistics, accessible via the following link: Policy on protecting confidentiality in tables of birth and death statistics.

However, we have published some user requested datasets of death registrations by postcode, which may be of interest to you:

For further information our publications please contact the Health Analysis and Pandemic Insight (HAPI) Customer services team on

You may also find this report Table 5275 - Suicide or suspected suicide fatalities and injuries | ORR Data Portal interesting, which is published by the Office of Rail and Road. If you have any questions about this data, they can be contacted at