FOI reference: FOI-2024-2210

You asked

Is it possible to provide information regarding the proportion of women recording in the following extended Standard Occupational Classification indices relating to job roles within the accountancy profession:

  • 1131/02
  • 2421/01
  • 2421/02

We said

Thank you for your query regarding occupational data. The ONS produces statistics on the numbers of people in different occupations, including by breakdowns by sex, from the Annual Population Survey (APS), a household survey based on interviews with people resident in households in the UK. 

The APS codes people to occupations based on their survey responses during interview. Unfortunately, people do not generally give the level of detail that would be required to code them to the fifth digit of the occupational classification. Consequently, we only code and hold information to the fourth digit of that classification. 

We publish information by occupation and sex from the APS, down to four digits, each quarter on our Nomis website in a report that also allows you to break information down by region. We hope this is helpful for you.