You asked
Please provide information on knife crime for 2019, including the number of those caught with knives in the UK, and how many of these were caught in London.
We said
Thank you for your request regarding statistics on possession of knives and crimes involving knives in the UK and London.
For England and Wales "Possession of article with blade or point" offences are published quarterly in Crime in England and Wales: Appendix table A4. A breakdown of "Possession of article with blade or point" offences is available by police force area, financial year and quarter and are published by the Home Office in "Police recorded crime open data Police Force Area tables from year ending March 2013 onwards". Figures for London can be found by combining City of London police and Metropolitan police. These data include some incidents where a knife may not have been used as a weapon.
A list of the main offences (other than possession) that involve a knife or sharp instrument recorded by the police are submitted to the Home Office via an additional special collection. This special collection includes the offences: homicide; attempted murder; threats to kill; assault with injury and assault with intent to cause serious harm; robbery; rape; and sexual assault. Crime in England and Wales: Police Force Area data tables P4 and P5 present a breakdown of these data by region including London.
The latest data available is for the year ending June 2019.
Please note that our publication covers England and Wales only. Crime related statistics for Scotland are published by the Scottish Government. Information for Northern Ireland is published by the Police Service for Northern Ireland (PSNI).