FOI ref: FOI/2023/4856

You asked

​I would like to make a freedom of information (FOI) request for access to the data from the POLAR1 and POLAR2 studies on the young participation in higher education by geographical area. Please could you send this dataset to me by email. If you do not have this dataset, please could you direct me to the body that holds this dataset.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

Unfortunately, we do not hold POLAR 1 and POLAR 2 data.

The Office for Students may be better placed to help with your request. They can be contacted at You may also find the following link from their website helpful About POLAR and Adult HE - Office for Students.

There are also some archived Higher Education Funding Council for England publications available on the National Archives website which you may find useful [ARCHIVED CONTENT] HEFCE : Publications : 2005 : 2005/03 - Young participation in higher education (