You asked

​What percentage of Positive COVID-19 PCR tests of people that died of COVID-19 since October 1st 2020 have a Ct value of 30 or more and, percentage (or fraction) have a Ct value of 25 or more and what percentage (or fraction) have a Ct value of 35 or more?

I expect the results to be cumulative (i.e. 25 or more, includes 30 and 35 or more), if not let me know if they are only the numbers between the bands.

We said

Thank you for your request.

We would be unable to determine the percentage of people who have died who have had a positive COVID-19 PCR test with various Ct values from the information we hold, as this information is not supplied on the death certificate. Therefore, we do not hold the information you have requested.

Public Health England (PHE) would be better placed to assist with your request. They can be contacted via email at