You asked

Please provide the accurate percentage of British South Asian in the UK (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka).

We said

​Thank you for you Freedom of Information request asking to know the accurate percentage of British South Asians in the UK (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka).

We publish population statistics by country of birth and nationality on the following webpage: Population of the UK by country of birth and nationality. From these estimates, you will be able to find the number of people either born in or who hold citizenship of Banglasdesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The latest available data is for 2019.

Please note that country of birth and citizenship do not necessarily correspond to ethnicity.

Estimates from the 2011 Census represent the most up-to-date, official estimates of the population by ethnic group and are freely available on our interactive webservice, available via the following link: Nomis website. You can find estimates of the population of the UK by ethnic group at national and subnational level (including local authorities) here. You can find estimates of the population of England and Wales by ethnic group age at national and subnational level (including local authorities) here. If you wish to receive further guidance on how to obtain these data from Nomis, please respond to this email and I will be happy to provide you with a detailed explanation.

For ethnicity data for Northern Ireland and Scotland you would need to contact Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) and National Records of Scotland (NRS). They can be contacted at and respectively.

When accessing any of our files please read the 'notes, terms and conditions' contained within them.

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly on if you require anything further.