FOI Ref: ​​FOI/2021/2813

You asked

Please supply the percentage chance of dying in a car crash in the UK.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

Unfortunately, we do not hold information on the percentage of chance of dying in a car crash. ONS mortality statistics are derived from information collected at the point of death registration.

However, using our NOMIS webservice, you will find data on deaths involving transport accidents. Data is available from 2013-2020 for England and Wales, and can be disaggregated by sex, age and selected geography.

Underlying cause of death is coded from the death certificate using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10).

Below are the ICD-10 codes you will require to identify deaths from each of the causes you have listed:

  • V40 - V49 Car occupant injured in transport accident

There are additional ICD-10 codes for other types of transport accident if required, such as:

  • V50 - V59 Pick up truck occupant injured in transport accident

  • V60 - V69 Occupant of Heavy transport vehicle injured in transport accident.

  • V70 - V79 Bus occupant injured in a transport accident.

For further information on your request, please contact