FOI REF:FOI/2022/4660

You asked

1. How many people are currently in employment (split by gender identity (trans, etc))?

2. How many people are currently in employment (split by ethnicity)?

We said

Thank you for your query regarding employment information by ethnicity and gender identity.

We estimate the number of people employed by various personal characteristics from the Labour Force Survey and Annual Population Surveys, based on interviews with members of private households in the UK.

Each quarter we publish A09: Labour market status by ethnic group which gives the latest estimates of the number of people in employment split by ethnicity, along with rates, as well as the estimates to the other labour market statuses of unemployment and economic inactivity.

Unfortunately, we do not currently collect gender identity on the surveys. Work was underway to develop suitable questions and approaches to collect this information in these surveys, but this development was suspended at the start of the pandemic. The surveys are currently in the process of being transformed into new versions with different questionnaires and collection modes. Further development of this topic area will be undertaken as part of that transformation.

If you have any questions about Labour Market statistics, please feel free to contact the following email address