FOI REF: FOI-2023-1443

You asked

How many business surveys do you issue each year in paper form? How much does this cost in postage? How much do you spend on enforcement?

We said

Thank you for your request.

We conduct 34 business surveys in paper form and for 2023 will issue approximately 338,000 questionnaires. The remainder of our survey programme is conducted online.

The postage costs of issuing paper surveys per annum is approximately £255,000.

The development of electronic questionnaires is a strategic objective for ONS and is the subject of a major programme at present. We currently use e-questionnaires for a number or surveys and are working to develop the functionality of this facility for our more detailed paper surveys.

The demand for high quality statistics (which inform Government's monetary and economic policies) is continually increasing. To ensure our results are representative it is essential that we obtain information from businesses of all sizes and, for now, the surveys are considered to be the most practical means of obtaining the information needed.

Approximate enforcement costs for 2023 will be £310,000 which includes the cost of the staff employed on the team as well as a projected cost of solicitors' cases for the year.