FOI Reference: FOI/2022/4368

You asked

Please disclose under FOI:

1) The total UK Statistics Authority and ONS expenditure on foreign travel, oversea accommodation and overseas subsistence allowances for 2021/22.

2) The total UK Statistics Authority and ONS expenditure in 2021/22 on staff diversity and equality programmes.

We said

Thank you for your request.

Please see the following answers to your questions.


From 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, the total UKSA and ONS expenditure on overseas flights, hotels and travel expenses was £164,577.66.

International travel allows the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to represent the UK effectively in the global statistical community, ensuring that our official statistics remain internationally comparable and are produced to the highest recognised standards. It also allows us to deliver a programme of support to National Statistical Institutes in developing countries, which are of interest to the broader UK government. This in turn helps to maintain international confidence in the UK and its public institutions, ensuring the UK is a global champion of data and of evidence-based decision making.

The UKSA international strategy, Statistics for the Global Good, outlines the main strategic objectives of our international engagement and can be found at:

Our strategic plan for international development and a showcase of recent development projects can also be found at:


ONS has three specific diversity development programmes. During the 21/22 fiscal year; the total spend on all diversity and equality programmes (excluding internal staff delivery) was £45,563.

Sometimes diversity and equality are mentioned as part of other online courses, alongside many other topics. This cost has not been included, as not specific to diversity and equality.