You asked

For financial year 2010 up to and including financial year 2019, please provide a list of all LGB/LGBT organisations (eg Stonewall, Mermaids, Gendered Intelligence, GIRES) you have:

  • consulted;

  • received training from;

  • paid monies to for goods and services.

2) Please provide the money spent annually, during this same period, on supporting and promoting LGB/LGBT groups and causes including:

  • rainbow branding (including lanyards, flags, posters and other materials);

  • attending conferences and events, running LGB/LGBT-specific social media accounts, training for employees, HR, etc.;

  • subscriptions and donations to LGB/LGBT organisations including but not limited to Stonewall, Gendered Intelligence and Mermaids.

3) Provide a list of public benefits identified in forming these relationships and spending, and how this helps you comply with your Public Sector Equality Duty under s. 149 of the Equality Act 2010

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request for financial year 2009/10 to 2018/19:

  1. Regarding LGBT organisations ONS have consulted with, received training from and paid for goods and services from.

  2. The money spent annually, during this same period, on supporting and promoting LGB/LGBT groups and causes including:

    Rainbow branding

    Attending conferences and events, running LGB/LGBT-specific social media accounts, training for employees, HR, etc.

    Subscriptions and donations to LGB/LGBT organisations

  3. Provide a list of public benefits identified in forming these relationships and spending, and how this helps you comply with your Public Sector Equality Duty under s. 149 of the Equality Act 2010.

The ONS collects sexual orientation data on the Annual Population Survey (APS) and Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).

In 2015, ONS held a public 2021 Census topic consultation for England and Wales, which anyone could take part in.  Responses were received from a wide variety of potential data users, stakeholders and experts in different fields.  As part of our work on the census development we engaged with those who responded to the consultation and undertook further engagement, including with health organisations, academics and researchers, public bodies and organisations with equalities responsibilities, local government, the UK Statistics Offices, women's organisations and LGBT organisations.

In line with the Code of Practice for Statistics, ONS maintained an open dialogue with these potential data users, stakeholders and experts (LGBT and non-LGBT organisations), with an interest in statistics on gender identity and sexual orientation. Through engagement ONS was able to capture a range of feedback, and understand a wide variety of views and needs to ensure that the statistics produced meet the needs of the maximum number of users.

The consultation and ongoing work identified a clear user need for information on gender identity and improved information on sexual orientation. These were requested and have since been recommended as new topics for inclusion in Census 2021. The data are required to support policy development and service planning as well as equality monitoring.  Voluntary questions on these topics for those who are 16 and over are included in the final questions set out in the census legislation.

Data users and stakeholders attended ONS events or provided feedback on the gender identity and sexual orientation topics and related question development.  These included the following LGBT organisations:


All Sorts Youth

Educate & Celebrate

Forum for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Equality

Gender Identity Research & Education Society (GIRES)

Gendered Intelligence

GLADD: The Association of LGBTQ+ Doctors and Dentists

LGBT Foundation

Forum for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Equality

London Friend


Scottish Transgender Alliance


Stonewall Cymru

The Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN)

The Beaumont Trust

The National LGB&T Partnership

No money was paid to stakeholders for their engagement.

ONS has undertaken an Equality Impact Assessment for the 2021 Census evaluating the equality impacts of the census and considerations in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

An Equality Impact Assessment for the 2011 Census was also carried out.


ONS have paid for training of topic experts including to attend relevant events, and on other goods and services to the following organisations:

Gendered Intelligence

Isle of Wight Pride


Pride Cymru


Student Pride Ltd

In addition, they have paid for subscription to Stonewall and their Diversity Champions programme.

Our annual spend on these for the period was:

 2009/10  1,725.00
 2010/11  1,762.50
 2011/12  1,800.00
 2012/13  2,707.50
 2013/14  5,910.00
 2014/15  1,620.00
 2015/16  4,944.00
 2016/17  5,091.60
 2017/18  3,355.00
 2018/19  6,392.80

(Note, there is no list held centrally of which LGBT organisations ONS has been in contact with, so there may be other organisations not included above).