You asked

Could I please have a list of all the organisations listed by ONS in ASHE under the group, 'Public administration, defence, compulsory social security'. Include in this list the gender pay gap for every organisation listed. This list to have the following headings:

Male median salary
Female median salary
How much less women earn
The pay gap as a percentage
Total staff

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.

The best source for this information is our Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), which is based on a 1% sample of jobs taken from HM Revenue and Customs' Pay As You Earn (PAYE) records and is the most comprehensive source of earnings information in the United Kingdom. ASHE data are published on our website at the following link:

However, earnings information for individual organisations is not published as it is considered confidential information under Section 39 of the Statistics and Registration Service Act. This section states that personal information (including a body corporate) held by ONS must not be disclosed. The exemption highlighted in Section 44 (Prohibitions on disclosure) of the Freedom of Information Act applies. This section states that information is exempt if the disclosure is prohibited under enactment.

It may be possible for you to apply for access to the ASHE microdata if you become accredited as an Approved Researcher. The criteria for accreditation is set out at the following link, along with an application form: