You asked

Please provide the total spend on accessibility testing, accessibility audits, and disabled user testing carried out within your department broken down by supplier for the last three years.

Please provide a breakdown of all spend for the last three years with the following organisations:

AbilityNet, Dig Inclusion Ltd, Digital Accessibility Centre Limited (DAC), React Accessibility, Recite Me Ltd, Test Partners Ltd, Tetralogical, The Accessible Digital Documents Company Ltd, Shaw Trust Accessibility Services, Zimo Accessibility, Open Inclusion, Hassell Inclusion, SimpleUsability, Axeccessibility Ltd, Hex Productions, AccessEquals, Able AI

We said

Thank you for your request.

The UK Statistics Authority have not incurred any cost in the last three years related to accessibility testing, accessibility audits and disabled user testing. The Authority last audited its sites more than three years ago, undertook a programme of improvements identified by the audits, and now meet regularly with our disability groups and respond locally to any request made. In addition, any major works projects are designed and constructed with accessibility in mind. The Authority maintains a compliant estate and a process of review and rolling programe of updates.

With the exception of the Data Accessibility Centre, the Authority has not transacted with the the suppliers listed in the request.

During the past three years the Authority made payments to the sum of £143,708.30 to the Digital Assessment Centre.