FOI ref: FOI-2023-1583

You asked

This is an FOI request for the following information by ONS site please:

1) How many ONS/Stats Authority staff are attached to each ONS site as at 1 November 2023 or closest date possible?

2) How many fully functioning desks are available at each ONS site - with docking station, screen, keyboard and mouse? (excluding those being used by other government departments such as the Charities commission) - again as at 1 November?

3) How many ONS staff are classified as full home workers on a home working contract as at 1 November?

4) By site how many meeting rooms are there in categories of 1 - 2 people capacity, 3 - 9 people capacity, 10- 25 people capacity, more than 25 people capacity (or similar breakdown if you have those statistics to hand? Again as at 1 November?

We said

Thank you for your request.

Please see the associated download named 'FOI-2023-1583-response'.

Lawrlwyth cysylltiol ar cais