Reference: FOI-2024-1733

You asked

I wish to request information relating to the organisation's energy management system. I wish to request this information under the freedom of information act. 

Please find my request below, which relates to the organisation's contract relating to their energy management system. Not all organisations have an energy management system and if the organisation does not have one, please ignore the contractual part of my request (1-6) and concentrate on questions 7-12.

1.       The supplier who provides the software to the organisation? N/A - no software used. 

2.       The cost associated with the software. Please provide me with the annual spend. 

3.       What is the brand of the software? 

4.       What is the duration of the contract? 

5.       When does this contract expires? 

6.       When does the organisation plan to review this contract? 

7.       Can you please provide me with the contract description of the services provided under the agreement with the supplier? This also includes potential extensions and support and maintenance services. N/A 

 8.       What is the organisation's annual energy spend for the following: 

a.       Electricity - 22/23 - £731,377 

b.      Gas - 22/23 - £131,057 

c.       Water - 22/23 - £54,424 

9.       What is the total number of meter points for Electricity for: 

a.       Non Half Hourly (NHH) meter points - 0 

b.      Half Hourly (HH) meter points - 3 

10.   What is the total number of Gas meter points? - 3 

11.   What is the total number of Water meter points? - 3 

12.   What is the total number of meter points for specialist gases and liquids? - 0 

13.   Can you please provide me with the contact details of the key person responsible for this contract or around energy management. - N/A, personal data will not be supplied.  

 14.    Can you please send me the organisations' energy management strategy/plan that covers 2018? N/A - no energy management plan in place that covered 2018.

WE said

Thank you for your request.

Questions 1-7 are not applicable, as no software is used. 

 8. The organisation's annual energy spend for each of the following is:

  • Electricity - 22/23 - £731,377 
  • Gas - 22/23 - £131,057 
  • Water - 22/23 - £54,424 

9. The total number of meter points for Electricity for: 

  • Non Half Hourly (NHH) meter points - 0 
  • Half Hourly (HH) meter points - 3 

10. Total number of Gas meter points? - 3 

11. Total number of Water meter points? - 3 

12. What is the total number of meter points for specialist gases and liquids? - 0

The information requested for Q.13 is personal data and is therefore exempt from release under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). 

 Regarding Q.14, no energy management plan in place that covered 2018.