FOI REF: FOI/2023/5081

You asked

I would like to know how many licenced premises exist in the UK, both on premises and off premises.

If possible, I would like the information broken down by the following subchannels:

Off Premises


Convenience Stores

On Premises




Cocktail Bars


Sports / Social Clubs


Entertainment Venues

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information requesting the number of licensed and unlicensed premises.

For information, ONS produce an annual publication called UK Business: Activity, size and location. This publication breaks down the number of UK Businesses (registered for VAT and/or PAYE)  by geography, employment size-band, industry and legal status. It is created using an extract of the Inter Departmental Business Register (IDBR) taken on 11 March 2022.

The data you have requested using our UK Business: activity, size and location is available on Nomis web. The data are available from 2010 to 2022 and can be manipulated by classification, geographies, and size-bands. When using Nomis there are two options to select from, enterprises (business level) or local unit (site level).

If you require any assistance in using Nomis please contact the IDBR data service team via

If you require additional analysis not available in our publications, please also contact the IDBR data service team to discuss bespoke services. Such services would be subject to legal frameworks, disclosure controls, resources, and agreement of costs, in line with our Charging Policy.