You asked

I am interested in finding out the number or percentage of home workers in Keswick, Cumbria. If this information is not available, then I would be interested in the number and percentage of home workers in Cumbria. Please provide historic data to see how this has changed over the past ten years.

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request asking information on home workers.

In 2014 an analysis was produced looking at the number of home workers in the UK and regions of the UK.

Subsequently in 2016, in response to a commissioned request for data, an analysis was produced to give an update on the number of home workers in the UK.

Neither of these pieces of work looked at the number of home workers at a local level.

You can request an analysis to be produced on the number of home workers from the ONS Social Survey customer services team. Special extracts and tabulations of data are available to order (subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreement of costs where appropriate).

Such enquiries should be made to

As this information is already available to you via this route, ONS considers that s.21(1) applies to this request and the information does not have to be supplied under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. s.21(1) is an absolute exemption and no consideration of the public interest test needs to be applied.