FOI reference: FOI-2023-1705

You asked

I am trying to understand the overall picture of crime (regardless of whether it has been reported to the police or not) in Cheltenham and Gloucestershire. I believe that the best source for this information is the Crime Survey of England and Wales

Please could I have the following information:

1. The number of crimes by relevant categories of crime.

2. Ideally with Cheltenham and Gloucestershire broken down separately (if sample sizes allow).

3. Trended over time between 2015 and 2023 so I can understand how patterns of crime have developed.

we said

Thank you for your enquiry. 

In our statistical releases, we generally only produce estimates from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) at the national level. Data on incidents of crime and prevalence rates over time for England and Wales can be found in tables A1 and A3 of our Appendix tables

A small amount of regional data from the CSEW can be found published in our Annual trend and Demographic tables, for example in table D4 on the proportion of adults who were a victim of crime. More data broken down by region can be found in our Annual Supplementary tables on perceptions of crime and the police. These are generally in the tables which contain breakdowns by household characteristics, for example tables S3, S6 and S9 amongst others. 

We are unable to break CSEW data further at this level of geography because the sample size would not be robust enough to provide reliable estimates. 

Data from the CSEW is also available in our open data tables (links below), which provide estimates by region. 

We do publish some data at police force area in our Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimates of personal and household crime, anti-social behaviour, and public perceptions, by police force area.

You should be aware that police force area estimates from the CSEW are less robust than national level estimates, due to the small samples and therefore, should be treated with extreme caution. 

If you have any further crime related queries, please feel free to contact us at