FOI Reference: FOI-2023-1561

You asked

Would you be able to provide a breakdown of the number of adult deaths per Welsh hospital site (not local authority or Health Board) per annum since 2018?

We said

Thank you for your request.  

We currently publish Welsh hospital deaths by health board in the following release: Death registrations and occurrences by health board and place of death. 

However, we do not hold analysis of the number of adult deaths by Welsh hospital site.  

We could create a custom output showing information on deaths of adults for each Welsh hospital site for 2018 to 2023 (provisional) via our bespoke services route. Bespoke services are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreements of ONS Charging Policy. 

If you wish to discuss the provision of this information further, please contact  

Please note, 2023 mortality data is still provisional.