FOI Ref: ​​FOI/2021/2851

You asked

Please supply information relating to the COVID-19 vaccination programme and mortality rates, specifically:

  • The number of people in NI who have received the first vaccination, and the number of those who died within 28 days of receiving this (regardless of morbidity)

  • The number of people in NI who have received both vaccinations, and the number of those who died within 28 days of receiving the second vaccination (regardless of morbidity)

  • The number of Covid-19 deaths reported in NI for the period 01/09/2020-13/07/2021 (by 10 year age groups), where there was no other cause of death or existing morbidity

  • The total number of deaths in NI for the period 01/09/2020-13/07/2021

  • The total number of deaths in NI for the period 01/09/2019-13/07/2020

  • The total number of deaths in NI for the period 01/09/2018-13/07/2019

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

We are responsible for the production of Mortality data for England and Wales, this is driven by information collected from the death certificate at death registration. Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) are responsible for statistics pertaining to Northern Ireland. NISRA will also be better placed to assist with information relation to the COVID-19 vaccination programme in Northern Ireland. They can be contacted at the following email address:

Headline figures for deaths involving COVID-19 with no disaggregation can be found within the Deaths Registered Weekly in England and Wales publication which is updated every Tuesday.