You asked

​I would like data of the nature of crime for Wales for the years ending of 2017, 2018 and 2019. This data includes but is not limited to; emotional impact, perceived seriousness of incidents, proportion of incidents flagged as cyber and non cyber offences, first method of contact between the offender and victim, reason for first contact between the offender and victim, offender characteristics in incidents of fraud, financial losses of victims from fraud, type of devices affected by viruses, and experiences with viruses on internet-enabled devices.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry regarding nature of crime: fraud and computer misuse tables for Wales.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with most of the data you require from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) for Wales. In order to answer your request, we would need to create an ad hoc analysis. Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, public authorities are not obligated to create information in response to requests. We therefore consider this to be information not held.

Data for Wales on the proportion of adults who were victims of fraud, cyber fraud or non cyber fraud for Wales are available from Table 11 in the Property crime tables: Year ending March 2020

It is also worth noting that for some of the data requested the sample sizes for Wales within the CSEW may not be robust enough to provide reliable estimates.