You asked

​​For the year of 2020, please can you tell me the number of women murdered, including whether it was by a woman or a man. Please can you also provide figures of men murdered including by women or by men, for the same period.

We said

​Thank you for your request.

The latest Homicide article was released on 25 February 2021 and contains data for the year ending March 2020 based on the Homicide Index recorded by the Home Office. The accompanying data tables can be found here and include information on long-term trends, sex of the victim, apparent method of killing and relationship to victim.

We do not hold data on the sex of the victim by the sex of the suspect. However, you may find Appendix Table 27: Suspects convicted of homicide, by age and sex, year ending March 2010 to year ending March 2020, useful. Additionally, Appendix Table 4 breaks down offences currently recorded as homicide by age and sex of victim, for the year ending March 2010 to year ending March 2020. In Appendix Table 11a, the relationship of the victim to the principal suspect and the victim's sex are presented for offences currently recorded as homicide for all victims

The data are provided by the Home Office and so it may be possible to seek such analysis from them at

If you have any other crime-related queries in the future, you can email