You asked

I am writing to request information regarding motorcycle theft in London. I would be thankful if you could please provide the following statistical information:

  • Number of stolen powered two wheelers per month for the last 5 years in all major cities in England, Scotland and Wales (including all available information for 2016).

  • Accompanying numbers on how many of those were successfully recovered and in what condition, for the same cities for the same period.

  • Accompanying number of charges and sentences for the above, for the same cities for the same period.

  • Statistical information per month, per city for the last 5 years (including all available information for 2016) about how many of the motorcycles were stolen from home (from the home address) and away from home.

  • Statistical information per month, per city for the last 5 years about whether the stolen vehicles were secured by one of the following methods and by what method e.g. garage, garden, at home, alarm, immobiliser, datatag (or similar), chain only, chain + anchor, disc lock, steering lock, other.

  • An estimate of the total number of motorcycles in each of the above cities, each year, for the past 5 years (including all available information for 2016) with details about how those estimates were made (e.g. a combination of DVLA ownership records (V5 registrations) + estimated number of track bikes (which might not have a V5), or other bikes for which ownership might not be registered).

We said

We do not hold any of the information you have requested.

In respect of the number of two-wheeled vehicles stolen, there are two sources of information: police recorded crime and the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW). While official statistics on police recorded crime that we publish include specific categories for thefts of motor vehicles, these do not separately identify thefts of two-wheeled vehicles. While it is possible to separately identify two-wheeled vehicles in CSEW estimates of vehicle-related theft, these data are not available by month or at such a low level of geography.

Data on charges and sentences related to vehicle-thefts are the responsibility of the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice. It is, however, unlikely that either the Home Office or the Ministry of Justice will be able to provide this information at the level of detail you have requested.

We, the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice are responsible for crime-related statistics for England and Wales; crime-related data for Scotland are the responsibility of the Scottish Government.

It is possible that individual police forces will hold more detailed information on thefts of two-wheeled vehicles and you may wish to contact them.