FOI reference: FOI-2024-1746

You asked

In Wales in 2023, what percentage of people died in:

  • Own home
  • Hospital
  • Care home
  • Hospice
  • Other place

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.  

Information on the number of deaths in Wales by place of occurrence is available in our deaths registered in England and Wales release tables. Table 12 will provide you with the information you need.

Data for 2023 will be released in summer/autumn 2024. More information will be provided on our release calendar when possible. 

We can provide a provisional number of deaths by place of death using our Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales release. As well as being provisional, the data is also for weeks 1 to 52 of 2023 (Deaths registered between 31st December 2022 and 29th December 2023), rather than a calendar year.

The associated download provides the numbers of deaths in Wales by place of death. Please read the following notes alongside the data.

  1. Data is provisional 

  2. Data for Wales excludes deaths of non-residents 

  3. These figures represent death registrations. There can be a delay between the date a death occurred and the date a death was registered. More information can be found in our Impact of registration delays release.

  4. Deaths at home are those at the usual residence of the deceased (according to the informant)‚ where this is not a communal establishment. Care homes includes homes for the chronic sick; nursing homes; homes for people with mental health problems and non-NHS multi function sites. Hospices include Sue Ryder Homes; Marie Curie Centres; oncology centres; voluntary hospice units; and palliative care centres. Other Communal Establishments include schools for people with learning disabilities; holiday homes and hotels; common lodging houses; aged persons' accommodation; assessment centres; schools; convents and monasteries; nurses' homes; university and college halls of residence; young offender institutions; secure training centres; detention centres; prisons and remand homes. Elsewhere includes all places not covered above such as deaths on a motorway; at the beach; climbing a mountain; walking down the street; at the cinema; at a football match; while out shopping; or in someone else's home. This category also includes people who are pronounced dead on arrival at hospital. Hospital includes acute and community hospitals, but does not include psychiatric hospitals. 

  5. The term care home in this table refers to where a death occurred in a care home, rather than the death of a care home resident.  For more information see Care home resident deaths registered in England and Wales, provisional.