FOI ref: FOI-2023-1155

You asked

1) How much money did the department spend on management consultants from January-June 2023? Please could you break down the information by month. Please could you also specify any consultancy contracts worth more than £1 million, including the name of the company and what the contract is for. If data is not yet available up to June, please provide data up to and including the most recent possible month.

2) How much money did the department spend on management consultants for the same period in 2022?

We said

Thank you for your request.

The associated download 'Management consultant spend Jan to May 2022 and 2023' contains the monthly spending figures.

Management Consultancy Contracts over £1m:

Supplier name: Deloitte
Contract Value: £3,188,030
Description: for the provision of Consultancy and support to ONS