you asked

  1. Approximately, how much do you spend per annum on print and photocopier services?

  2. How many photocopier, printer and Mufti-functional devices do you have?

  3. Are these from a single manufacturer or several? Please give details:

  4. Do you have a current managed print services contract? Yes/No If yes please provide details of: Supplier name: Cost of contract: Date of commencement: Date contract will end: Is this part of a MPS Framework? If yes please provide details of Framework: Did you receive any initial assessment of your managed print service needs as part of this arrangement? Do you know how much this contract is saving you in time and money? If Yes please give details:

  5. How do you procure external Managed Print Services/Photocopier Equipment and Supplies?

  6. Do you have any planned Managed Print Service procurement?
    If so, please provide details:

  7. Who is responsible for saving money and the quality of your Managed print and Document services decisions and what are their contact details?

  8. Who is the best person to contact to discuss provision of a free no obligations audit of your print and document service needs and what are their contact details?

We said

  1. £750k

  2. 131

  3. Lexmark, Canon, Oce,Ricoh

  4. Yes Supplier - Fujitsu Cost - Approximately £100,000 Date of commencement - December 2013 Date contract will end - March 2015 Is this part of of MPS framework - No (ONS bespoke contract) Did you receive initial assessment of your managed print service needs - Yes Do you know how much this contract is saving you in time and money - No analysis has been conducted and therefore ONS does not hold this information

  5. Service Integrator

  6. Yes - This is part of a service provision review. Full details are not available as at this date

  7. Gary Evans - Commercial Services - 01633 456574

  8. Gary Evans - Commercial Services - 01633 456574