FOI REF: FOI/2023/4736

You asked

The recently published CPS guidance on domestic abuse states:

"Male victims of domestic abuse most often experience this abuse from male family members and partners."

I can't find the source of this claim in the CSEW data.

Would you please point me to the source of this claim?

We said

​Thank you for your request,

Unfortunately, the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) does not collect any data to support the statement ''male victims of domestic abuse most often experience this abuse from male family members and partners''.

However, we do collect data in the CSEW within our nature of partner abuse module which you may find helpful. This module is run once every three years and asks victims of partner abuse (a subcategory of domestic abuse) about the sex of the perpetrator. This information can be found in Table 2 for the year ending March 2018 and Table 2 for the year ending March 2022.

This data does not support the CPS statement and therefore we suggest you contact them directly via to enquire where they sourced the data from.

For future reference, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) are primarily responsible for data on convictions and may be better placed to answer your queries around this data. You can contact them directly to enquire about the data you need at

Data on domestic abuse-related incidents recorded by the police are held by the Home Office. They may be able to help you with a victim-perpetrator breakdown. You can contact them at: