​FOI REF: FOI/2022/4647

You asked

I would like know more about the statistics that you have related to the number of visitors to Inverness and Loch Ness in the last years. Can you please, provide this data or tell me where can I find it?

We said

Thank you for your request.

The International Passenger Survey (IPS) interviews visitors from overseas' residents and records the number of these visits. Unfortunately, the IPS does not collect any details on domestic travel within the UK.

The survey has some information about visits, nights and spending in Inverness, but this may not include Loch Ness. There are also estimates of visits by overseas residents to the Highlands, but this will include other areas outside of Inverness and Loch Ness.

These details are published in tables on our website taken from the annual data for 2021. However, estimates for 2021 are based on smaller sample sizes than previous years due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The survey was suspended in March 2020 for the same reason and no estimates were produced at this low level for 2020.

If you require any further information about international visits, you can email socialsurveys@ons.gov.uk.