Reference: FOI-2023-1686

You asked

1. What is the total number of UK citizens that emigrated to live in other countries, between July 2020 and July 2023

2. What is the total net migration into the UK of people from other countries for the period of July 2020 to July 2023.

3. Please detail via graph or pie charts, the population of people migrating into the UK (between July 2020 and July 2023) who originated from African, Asian, Arabic/Middle Eastern and European countries respectively.

4. What is the estimated percentage of migrants into the UK who enter via unauthorised water crossings.

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request concerning statistics on international migration.  

In answer to your first two questions, our latest published estimates cover the period up to the end of June 2023. Estimates for July 2023 will be available in our next publication, which is estimated for release in May 2024. 

Estimates for British nationals are available in Table 1 of Long-term international immigration, emigration and net migration flows, provisional - Office for National Statistics ( Further information about these estimates can be found in notes 1-9 in the Notes tab in this spreadsheet. 

At the current time we do not hold data allowing us to estimate international migration into the UK by previous country of residence. However, we can provide net migration estimates for EU and non-EU nationals, again in Table 1 of Long-term international immigration, emigration and net migration flows, provisional - Office for National Statistics ( Further information about these estimates can be found in notes 1-9 in the Notes tab in this spreadsheet. 

Please note that our latest statistics on international migration were published in November 2023. Methods for measuring international migration are in development. The estimates covering the periods year ending (YE) December 2022 and YE June 2023 are provisional and give an early indicator of international migration during this time. We will update (revise) these estimates when we have more data to confirm people's long-term migration status. This enables us to meet a broader set of user needs.  

Further information on future revisions can be found in our latest bulletin; Long-term international migration, provisional - Office for National Statistics (

In answer to your third question, unfortunately, we do not hold the requested information. In November 2023 we published the top five non-EU nationalities for immigration into the UK, but do not hold anything further. 

The Home Office publish information on the number of visas granted by nationality including nationalities grouped by region. Please see their contact details below: 

Home Office
FOI requests: 
Telephone: 020 7035 4848

Unfortunately, we do not collect or publish data on the percentage of migrants into the UK who enter via unauthorised water crossings. This query would also be best placed with the Home Office.

If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to contact us.