FOI Reference: FOI/2022/4395; 4422/01; 4422/02

You asked

Please report under FOI the total 2021-22 expenditure and budget 2022-24 for the International Development Team.

Please report under Freedom of Information the total budget in 2022/23 for the implementation of "Statistics for the Global Good' -

Please report under the Freedom of Information Act the total funding received by UKSA / ONS in 2021/22 from FCDO and the proposed funding from FCDO for 2022/23.

We said

Thank you for your requests.

The international development programme enables the ONS to lead the UK government's statistical development in developing countries, expanding our networks and drawing on expertise from a range of relevant areas of the ONS and beyond. Working with a relatively small budget, the programme allows enables us to represent the UK effectively in the global statistics community, ensuring that our official statistics remain internationally comparable and are produced to the highest recognised standards. It also allows us to deliver a programme of support to National Statistical Institutes in developing countries, which are of interest to the broader UK government. This in turn helps to maintain international confidence in the UK and its public institutions, ensuring the UK is a global champion of data and of evidence-based decision making. The programme is set out in our international development strategy and is led by our international development team (IDT). The link to our strategy can be found here:

The IDT budget since April 2021 has largely come from ONS' Official Development assistance (ODA) allocation from Treasury, which is reported here DevTracker Office for National Statistics (, This is also complemented by project specific funding.

Breaking this down further:

Funding was previously received from FCDO under a strategic partnership between FCDO and ONS, which ceased in June 2021. Breakdowns by financial year are available via the link. DevTracker Project GB-GOV-1-300443 (  

£204,322.73 was received from the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) UK-Jordan Partnership Facility Programme in 2021/22 DevTracker Project GB-GOV-52-CSSF-06-000033 (

ONS has also received an ODA allocation through the spending review, our ODA expenditure in 21/22 is reported here DevTracker Project GB-GOV-24-001 ( and was £2,194,198.

Our provisional ODA budget for 2022-2025, covering implementation of our latest international development strategy is available at this link DevTracker Project GB-GOV-24-High quality statistics that improve lives globally (

And is distributed